Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hey gang! Well, my website has had issues the last 6 weeks, citing "Malware" and other cool sounding words that are not so cool by definition. I am currently on HOLD with GoDaddy Support, trying to get it fixed...I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and lame-ness on my part. Thank you to all who have emailed me to let me know about the site...I had no idea until last week.

FWIW, you can always order a Luther or TimeBombBoost and pay directly via Pay Pal to: . They're $107 shipped USA, $130 shipped International. Pedals are shipping around 2 weeks from payments these days....

Hope you all have an ass-rockin' Holiday Season

...still on HOLD with GoDaddy Support BTW...hoping to have the site repaired by the time the Vikings game starts...SKOL!!!